Our Beliefs

Our Beliefs – We believe:

  1. In the infallible, indestructible and incomparable big Book of all time The BIBLE. John 17.17, Psalm 119:101, 105 & 112
  2. The trinity, God the Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. 1 John 5:7 and Matthew 28:19
  3. The saving grace to all human being through the blood of Jesus Christ. Ephesians 2:8-9
  4. In sanctification, justification and restitution according to the Word of God.  Luke 19:8
  5. In water baptism, The Lord supper and in the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Matt 3:13-17, Mark 14:22, Luke 24:49
  6. In the gifts, fruits, offerings, tithes, biblical marriage of a man and a woman. 1 Cor 12. Gal 5: 19-22, Malachi 3:10, Gen 2:24, Matt 19:5 and Eph 5:31
  7. In divine healing and miracles. 2 Kings 2:19-22, Matt 8:27, Mark 4:41, Acts 4:16
  8. In local, state, and national civil government, Roman 13.1-7, 1 Pet 2:13-14,
  9. In resurrection, second coming of Jesus Christ, In tribulation, supernal hell and terrestrial heaven. Luke 24, Acts 1:11, Matt 24:29, Psalms 9:17-18 and Rev 21:1
  10. In the millennial reign, final judgment, in the new heaven and new earth. Heb 9:27, Rev 20:11-15, Rev 21:1